
Annotated Labour Code book

Pedro Madeira de Brito continues to be a member of the team of co-authors of the “Annotated Labour Code” – 14th edition (2025), published by the Almedina Group.

This is an essential work organized by the illustrious authors Pedro Romano Martinez, Luís Miguel Monteiro, Joana Vasconcelos, Guilherme Machado Dray, Luís Gonçalves da Silva, and Pedro Madeira de Brito.


This edition of “Código do Trabalho – Anotado” updates the comments on the text of the Labour Code, taking into account the changes introduced since 2021, including those resulting from the Decent Work Agenda (Law no. 13/2023, of 3 April), maintaining the dialogue with case law and doctrine that has characterised the work since its inception.

This edition is marked by the tragedy of Professor Pedro Romano Martinez’s untimely death. He initially promoted the publication and directed it for 13 editions and almost 20 years. His death has committed to maintaining and improving this instrument for unavoidable disseminating labour law. It is also a simple way for the other authors to pay tribute to the professor and honour the memory of the academic, jurist, and friend.”

14th Edition, 2025

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