Professional competence, experience and academic recognition
Professional ethics and deontology
New Technologies and innovation for the benefit of the client
Cohesion and solidarity

- Alexandra Almeida Mota featured in the 2024 Leaders League ranking in Labour Law.
- The Leaders League 2021 directory distinguished the lawyer as a leader in the labour area according to the tier recommended.
- O diretório Leaders League 2020 distingue os melhores advogados em quatro áreas de direito. líderes na área laboral a advogada de acordo com o tier recommended.
- European directory Chambers Europe 2021 and Chambers Europe 2020 ranking recognized as notable professional as leading Labour Law practitioner in Portugal.
Academic career
Law Degree by Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1991/1996).
Master under the “Employer Fringe Responsibilities” theme at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (1997/2000).
Specialization in “Relaciones Laborales”/”Labour Relations”, by Instituto de Empresa de Madrid (2008).
Professional career
Lawyer since November 1998;
Lawyer at “Pena, Machete & Associados” Lawyer Society till Agosto de 1999
Lawyer at “PMBGR – Pena, Machete, Botelho Moniz, Nobre Guedes, Ruiz e Associados” Lawyer Society till 2002.
Lawyer at “F. Castelo Branco & Associados” Lawyer Society till 2015.
External Legal Consultant for Portuguese Minister Association at the Equal Rights Association Committee, from 18th April 1997 till 25th September 2003.
EELA Member – European Employment Lawyers Association since May 2005