Professional competence, experience and academic recognition

Professional ethics and deontology

New Technologies and innovation for the benefit of the client

Cohesion and solidarity

Alexandra Almeida Mota

Alexandra Almeida Mota

Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association, in 1999

Languages: en fr es

  • Alexandra Almeida Mota featured in the 2024 Leaders League ranking in Labour Law.
  • The Leaders League 2021 directory distinguished the lawyer as a leader in the labour area according to the tier recommended.
  • O diretório Leaders League 2020 distingue os melhores advogados em quatro áreas de direito. líderes na área laboral a advogada de acordo com o tier recommended.
  • European directory Chambers Europe 2021 and Chambers Europe 2020 ranking recognized as notable professional as leading Labour Law practitioner in Portugal.


Academic career

Law Degree by Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1991/1996).

Master under the “Employer Fringe Responsibilities” theme at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (1997/2000).

Specialization in “Relaciones Laborales”/”Labour Relations”, by Instituto de Empresa de Madrid (2008).

Professional career

Lawyer since November 1998;

Lawyer at “Pena, Machete & Associados” Lawyer Society till Agosto de 1999

Lawyer at “PMBGR – Pena, Machete, Botelho Moniz, Nobre Guedes, Ruiz e Associados” Lawyer Society till 2002.

Lawyer at “F. Castelo Branco & Associados” Lawyer Society till 2015.

External Legal Consultant for Portuguese Minister Association at the Equal Rights Association Committee, from 18th April 1997 till 25th September 2003.

EELA Member – European Employment Lawyers Association since May 2005

Areas of practice